THEO-CHAN says hi
cause cold
chills me to the bones
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affiliates Amalina Celestine Chuang Charman Daniel Ong Darren Tan Eddile Liang Esther Fiona Thor Fionne 妹 Gary Wong Jenny (AES) Jessica Ho Nisa Nurul Hudah Reuben RuiXiong Rhiannon Serena WeiJie YuZhen |
Thursday, March 30, 2006 @ 8:56 PM
I am so busy everyday... Now saturdae I have to go to school, somemore this saturday I have to go to school before 7.30am... wa lao.. so busy until I almost cannot cope wit my work!!! Got class test la, SYF la, Eye Care Week performance la... I wish I can fall sick and dun come to school for all this things going around me....
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