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THEO-CHAN says hi

theodoros chan
Theodoros Chan.
15 June 1994


TCSFY♥ theodoros chan

Amalina Celestine Chuang Charman Daniel Ong Darren Tan Eddile Liang Esther Fiona Thor Fionne 妹 Gary Wong Jenny (AES) Jessica Ho Nisa Nurul Hudah Reuben RuiXiong Rhiannon Serena WeiJie YuZhen
Sunday, March 12, 2006 @ 10:25 AM
Yesterday, I went to watch I Not Stupid 2.... veri moving and touching.... I was laughing then crying... it really was touching until I couldn't stop my tears from flowing out... I would always recommand this movie to all ages... The character Tom is veri de handsome.... he blogs very much about his daily life.... but his parents just dun understand him veri well such as the parents dun spend much time with him... the only person whu spend much time wit him is his friends. He hates his brother veri much... the character name is Jerry... I veri lazy to type the whole movie arh.... If you are interested to find out, GO and watch the movie now!!!
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