THEO-CHAN says hi
cause cold
chills me to the bones
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affiliates Amalina Celestine Chuang Charman Daniel Ong Darren Tan Eddile Liang Esther Fiona Thor Fionne 妹 Gary Wong Jenny (AES) Jessica Ho Nisa Nurul Hudah Reuben RuiXiong Rhiannon Serena WeiJie YuZhen |
Sunday, December 10, 2006 @ 12:02 PM
yEsTeRdAe wEnT tO NUS hIgH sChOOl aT cLeMeNtI dErE... tHe cAntEeN iS 2x bIgGeR dEn HKPS' cAntEeN... rEaLLi bIg... gOt wEsTeRn fOoD sTaLL... cOol EhS.... miE mUm wEnT tO lEt tHe cHeFs tRy hEr cHicKeN... tHeY sAy sOfT aNd tEndEr... vErI dElicIoUs... weLL I dUnOe lArHs.... I wAs jUs sTaNdInG oUtsIdE tO tAkE pIcTuReS.... sO pAiSeH... hAiSh.. cOmE tO tInK oF sChOoL... mS sHaNtHi lEaViNg iN 5 mOrE dAyS... hAiSh.... rEaLLi mIz hEr lErS... shE mAdE oUr sChOoL's nAmE rIsE hIgH... I wOnDeR wAtS gOnNa hApPeN nExT yEaR aS iT mArKs a nEw yEaR fOr eVeRyoNe... wHiCh aSo mArKs a nEw pRiNcIpLe fOr HKPS wHiCh aSo mArKs a nEw sChOoL fOr tHe nEw pRinCiPlE... tHe pRinCiPlE iS a cHiNeSe... sO I gUeSs sHe haVe tO bE dAmN sTrIcT... hAiSh... mS sHaNtHi tRaNfErRiNg tO eAsT cOaSt pRiMaRy sChOoL... dAt sChOoL mUs bE lUcKy tO gEt a tRaNsFeRrEd pRiNcIpLe fRoM uS... iF oNlY aLL sChOoLs dUn hAvE tO cHaNgE pRiNcIpLe eVeRy 7 yEaRs.... hAiSh... back to top? |