Monday, February 26, 2007 @ 5:40 PM
Tuhday in schOOl is lyk chiO funni lOhs,,, walked under the rain,,, I dunO why I Owaes laugh when I lOOk at TimOthy lOhs,,, hahas,,, dunO lahs,,, buden when he takes Off his glasses dOens't lOOk lyk the Original TimOthy lOhs,,, funni de lOhs,,, hahas,,, den wad I wan say arhs? ummm,,, secOndary schOOl is sO stressful lOhs,,, my fwen say I gOt One strand Of white hair,,, buden I cannOt see lehs,,, dun get the wrOn idea arhs,,, maybe I grOwing Old Or stress lahs,,, sO sianns,,,, tuhmOrO gOt gEo. test,,, map reading,,, I hate it! I rather repeat PSLE den gO secOndary schOOl,,, stress lahs!!! tuhday after P.E Mr.Micheal tOk tuh mie,,, I was shOcked lOhs,, he say I gOt pOtential tuh be a athelete? well,,, I dunO,,, he say I shy tuh express Out,,, I gOt pOtential,,, he say he sees pOtential in mie lOhs,,, yarhs,,, dat made mie feel gud,,, =D till here peeps! bub-bye! take care! mwarkz!
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