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cause cold
chills me to the bones
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![]() Amalina Celestine Chuang Charman Daniel Ong Darren Tan Eddile Liang Esther Fiona Thor Fionne 妹 Gary Wong Jenny (AES) Jessica Ho Nisa Nurul Hudah Reuben RuiXiong Rhiannon Serena WeiJie YuZhen |
![]() today ; with the new seating arrangement was like damn sucky lohs . cannot talk to FIONA ! waaaa ~ that ASSmund was like looking back most of the time ? trying to attract my attention by using a penknife ? NO WAY ! i don't need you to attract my attention neither do i need your love . i really regretted forgiving you . you're NEVER gonna learn your lesson . always PISSING ME OFF . fuck off my life . i mean it . mrseow was like angry after science lesson and asked us to stay back ? i don't know why he angry lahs ; or maybe most of n2s . went for home econ . cooked sausage in bread ; crispy ! yummy ! smell nice also lohs ! i cook derhs . TszLok was like just washing ? i don't mind ; I LOVE COOKING ! :DD then went back to class and mrseow was like waiting for us ? he asked us to put down our things and stand outside in 2 straight rows . kaos . i was standing damn still lohs ! the girls skirt were like flying ? up && down ; up && down . then could say is standing for 15-2o mins bahs . don't know . didn't count . or maybe longer . cause have to wait for msnorli de class also mahs . sian ! then FIONA, JQ && YT were like trying each other's cooking . hahas . not bad lahs . JQ is good . FIONA is abit hard while YT is okok lohs . Mine don't know lahs . let JQ/FIONA/YT/HAIKAL to taste . so ask them lohs xD went to Haikal's class and was like saw MYNAME all over his desk !? i was like wtf . was like damn sian lahs . Sayyeng LOVE JQ ? ZZZ ! saw danial&&jas " make love " hahas . humji kia ! xP oklahs . daring enough liao . do outside 1n2 . NO ! they shouldn't do it ! TOO YOUNG ! xDD ok lahs . but they like do in school not paisehs . damn daring . i admire them xDD hees . i'm not that daring lahs . NOT humji ! cause still YOUNG . understand ? um . good xDD 14o7o7 went for breakfast in the morning with JQ . then were like taking bus to school and JQ 'seduced' a guy? no lahs ; her friend lahs xDD then went to band room and sat down for awhile . after that went to report for CIP . sian~! everyone was like listening to songs / SMS-ing . cool man ! xDD hahs . my 'student leader' was Azmi . well ; he let us 'slack' . hees :DDI LOVE HIM ! xDD love as in that love not that love . understand ? then 1o.3oam lerhs ! Charman && JQ was like calling me and asking where to meet to go sku together . hahas . rushed to band room and heard them playing : latin favourites . yay ! my favourite ! :DD then was like standing like hell ! arghs ! leg damn pain .. went numb ! not walking much now . after band waited for fiona && yanting at bus-stop . umm . went longjohn for lunch . umm . went home after that ? was walking home with him . got home and nobody was home . wtf . just jumped on the sofa and fell asleep . phone keep on vibrating ; SMS . have to reply . ZZ ! was enjoying my nap then was awaken lohs . not taking dinner tonight . legs still feeling numb . have to write about me for the prefect thingy . blehs . was chosen . thinking if i should become one . thinking of what to write . thinking if i'm fit to be one . well , i don't know . maybe not . eyes red red derhs .. waaaa ! very tired ! feeling dizzy now .. eyes just wanna close .. sleeping damn early tonight . 15o7o7 went out early in the morning to meet JQ . brought her to swing :DD then played until 1o++ tired . drained energy . went to mac for breakfast~lunch . first time i saw haikal laugh like **** ! its censored . sorry . don't get the wrong idea . took bus to school . reharsed and took bus there . hmm . was sitting with Justin . he like childish childish bahs . keep on tickling me . then to keep his mind away i made him sing song xDD reached there set up instrument and tune . we reharsed on the stage and rest . around 5pm ; the show started . i just wanna say , SWISSWINDS did well . SWISSWINDS gonna rock the hall haa ~ and we rocked the hall . after our performance it started drizzling then BOOM ! started raining :DD saw haigao crying and was like what happen . this i'm not gonna say . we are civilised people . we don't use dirty tricks . i lend him my shoulder to cry don't want . fine . then i lend others who need it more lohs . then was like getting a bloody scolding from mum . blehs . haigao send me to my blk then byebye . then i walked SLOWLY to the coffeeshop . sian ! mum/dad was like nagging when i sat down till i left . mum said she will write a letter of quitting band . I WILL NEVER QUIT BAND NO MATTER HOW YOU FORCE ME ; I LOVE BAND MORE THAN YOU . CAUSE BEING IN BAND MAKES ME FEEL BETTER THAN BEING WITH THIS "FAMILY" SWISS WINDS IS A BETTER FAMILY THEN THIS FAMILY . 16o7o7 today reached school around 6.2oam . real tired cause of yesterday . was happy and she ruined my day . ain't gonna talk about it . P.E was fun . played basketball . just touched the ball thrice xDD then the rest just cheering for friends i guess . after school went to lot1 . haigao wanted to cry but he just won't . blehs . offered my shoulder he still don't want . fine . humpf ! went home with my bag damn heavy . got home earlier then mum . and was like HENG arhs . cried when she told me about him . i don't know lahs . also not me . i think is because i sensitive whom i know crying bahs . they cry ; i cry . has been crying these few days )x eyes very tired of crying liao . but still got alot of things haven't cry out . slowly bahs huh . **** lost $4 . aiyo, why n2 de money always lost derhs ? if no-one is gonna own up , seow is gonna make the whole class stay back everyday . { c'mon man, if you're from n2 and has have the guts to steal, own up lahs . } { if you're not in n2 , why do you have to steal from our class ? why us ? not others ? } HOW COULD YOU MAKE HER CRY ? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THIS ? HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED HER FEELINGS ? DOESN'T MEAN YOU STEAD WITH HER YOU CAN HURT HER OKAY ! YOU'VE CHANGED ALOT EVER SINCE JUNE HOLIDAYS WERE OVER . DOESN'T MEAN I'M OVERSEA YOU COULD CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS FRIENDS OKAY ! PLEASE REFLECT . WHAT IF YOUR GIRL TELLS YOU THAT ? YOU HAPPY ? NO RIGHT ? SO PLEASE LAHS ; CONSIDER THE PERSON'S FEELING BEFORE TELLING THEM LAHS . YOU DIDN'T THINK BEFORE TALKING . SO THINK BEFORE YOU TALK . 17o7o7 seow wasn't happy with us . stayed back in class . was like damn tired arhs . then he FINALLY released us ! then was like tio daiji with HM . freaking friends . change attitude if want become prefect bahs . my opinion . went for band and sayyeng was like talking cock to me again . thats what i fucking hate can ?! i cried cause of it lahs . just because you want jio JQ doesn't mean your ATTITUDE change okay ! i hate you N.S.Y . i don't even know whether i should still regard you as my SENIOR . felt angry okay . LJ type of senior . 18o7o7 felt tired . din really talk to hayati anymore after she told me about it )x she was like fucked up during maths today . can see through her actions . then E.T slack 1 round :X hees . wanted to cry but vented on chiong-ing . then haigao gave me a note ? blehs . he read my saved text msg . my thoughts and all those . yeahs , so he pass me a note replying all blah blah . chinese lesson can say is FUN bahs . I LOVE XULAOSHI ! then after school had hiphop . was like .. ZZZ ! no mood to do anything . and haigao also there so no mood to do lohs . just aga aga do . then was really tired !!! went back to class and FIONA was THERE liao ! :DDfrankli took and 'played' with her guitar . then the esmund was like twisting the thingy . made it tighten until cannot tight anymore and was like break ? yeah . Fiona was like angry until cry . and i was like holding back my tears . trying to make her smile . i shouted at esmund . he has been attracting my attention .. especially during hiphop class . i was like trying to ren lahs . hell ! then in class he went overboard and i started shouting . i could have shouted more de lohs ! i just don't think its worth it . cause no reason to support mahs xD yay ! PIGLINGS ! :DD new name lerhs . got new member also . CHARMAN ! :DD yay ! I LOVE HER ! okay lahs . I LOVE PIGLINGS ! { just the 5 of us } :DD PIGLINGS wan sui ! xDD hees . ZI HIGH . back to top? |