Thursday, March 01, 2007 @ 3:07 PM
haish,,, things hab gOrt sO cOmplicated in schOOl,,, nOw On the phOne tuh sOlve the prOblem,,, buden I dunOe lahs,,, I dunOe whO tuh trust,,, sOri but I couldn't reveal the prOblem,,, cus its cOnfidential,,, sOri peeps! hOpe euu guys wOuld understand,,, I dunO whO tuh trust,,, and anyway,,, tuhmOrO gOrt cOmmOn test and I haven't study lOhs,,, later lahs,,, when I finish using my labtOp,,, hee =D bad sehs,,, nahs,,, tuhmOrO gOrt ENG/MATHS/CHI test sia,,, den after dat gOrt CCA,,, tiring de lOhs,,, I jus wan tuh dO drill Oni,,, I dun lyk sectiOnal lOhs,,, especially when Andy take mie lOhs,,, he lyk Owaes tOrture de lOhs,,, I wan Say Yan,,, I dun wan Andy,,, Say Yan betta den Andy lOhs,,, 100% agree! After blOgging,,, gO bathe den play rain! yippies! Trying tuh fall sick,,, but dunO hOws,,, nOw drizzlin' sO can play in the rain get fever,,, sianns,,, dunO wad tuh dO,,, AMIRUL,,, I MISS EUU! REALLY MISS EUU!!! HERWAN,,, I MISS EUU!!! REALLI MISS EUU!!! RIAN,,, I MISS EUU!!! REALLY MISS EUU,,, SYAKIR,,, I MISS EUU,,, REALLI MISS EUU!!! SHERMAN,,, I MISS EUU! REALLY MISS EUU!!! ZUL,,, I MISS EUU!!! REALLY MISS EUU!!! really miss euu all lOtz,,, I dunO when am I gOnna meet euu guys again,,, but i hoPe its sOOn,,, lOvE euu guys! mwarkz! till here peeps! bub-bye! take cares! muacks!
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