Friday, March 09, 2007 @ 10:59 PM
ellO peeps! hOw's life? tuhday durin E.T, I was running with Siti,,, den I saw my fwen[[HKPS]] wernyien in the field[[saint. anthony&swiss cottage da field{{pokai nO money derhs}}]] den I shOuted her name arhs,,, den she was lyk "whO's calling mie?" den she lOOk at mie den she ran tO the fence and shOuted my name arhs,,, she nvr change a bit,, den after schOOl went fOr band,,, den DERRY[[drum majOr]] called 6 Of the members Of the band[[sec1]] den I was included arhs,,, den we march march march,,, den DERRY say: why I ask them tO cOme Out is because they are the best 6 whO dOes the fOOt drillss,,, wasehs,,, den I asO malu sia,,, hahas,,, buden I felt happi arhs,,, hahas,,,nOw chattin wit ilyas,,, he cute sia he,,, jOker dOk,,, hahas,,, ahh chOO,,, I sneezed,,, wahhs,,, sOmeOne tinkin Of mie,,, chey,,, hahas,,, kiddin' sianns,,, i wan gO enjoy arhs peeps! take cares! bub-bye! muacks!
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