Sunday, March 11, 2007 @ 12:10 PM
hellos! later going to meet muaii sis,,, I duno when arhs,,, buden I noe is soon lohs,,, so now grabbing time to use the labtop! If not later cannot use lerhs,,, will miss blogging/chatting but not SMS-ing,,, yeahs,,, hahas,,, peeps,,, anything's up jus gibb mie a call or SMS kayys? kkayy lahs,,, Of course arhs,,, will miss euu all derhs,,, no lahs,,, liike i goin oversea,,, hahas,,, no lahs,,, I jus goin tuh stay at mie fwen house onii... lek arhs,,, jokiin lahs,,, kkayy lahs... till here peeps! bub-bye! take cares! muacks!
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